Welcome to the Boerenbondsmuseum in Gemert. Where Brabant’s past comes to life. With original and authentically furnished farmhouses and buildings, original objects, crafts and the real stories of the past. And all this in an atmospheric and nostalgic ambiance. A visit to the Boerenbondsmuseum takes you back to the Brabant of yesteryear.

The Boerenbondsmuseum is located at the birthplace of Father van den Elsen, founder of several farmers’ cooperatives and the Boerenleenbank. It is a historic place, located in the beautiful and green surroundings on the outskirts of Gemert.

During the museum season, there are demonstrations every Sunday and there are activities that show life in a Brabant village at the beginning of the last century. Crafts are displayed, butter and cheese are made and bread is baked as in the old days. In addition, there are various exhibitions that give a picture of village life at the time.

Want to know what to do during the museum season? Take a look at our agenda.

Collection of Brabant poffers, hats and clothing

In the school building at the museum there is an extensive collection of Brabant poffers and hats that give a unique insight into the fashion of the time. Not only women’s clothing, but also children’s and men’s clothing from the beginning of the last century are on display.

Click here to read more about Brabant costumes.

A unique living open-air museum

The museum is located on the beautiful outskirts of Gemert. A municipality with a fascinating history, which is reflected in the center of Gemert with a unique castle and many more beautiful buildings. In the museum, but also in the surrounding gardens, fields and fields, you can relax and continue to be amazed. You really feel like you’ve stepped back in time. The farm is run as it was at the beginning of the last century, the fields are cultivated as they were more than 100 years ago. The rustic surroundings and the nostalgic square. You will be short of ears and eyes. The museum has plenty to see and do for young and old. Senses are stimulated. Sounds, smells, tastes and images take you to a rustic Brabant peel village at the beginning of the last century. A living history.

It doesn’t matter how old you are: there are plenty of moments of amazement or recognition for everyone. In the Boerenbondsmuseum you can step back to the Brabant of yesteryear!


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