The Day of the horse

Discover how indispensable horses were in farm life in the early 1900s during the Day of the Horse on June 1 in the Boerenbondsmuseum! Come from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for demonstrations and rides. Don't miss it!

  • 1 June
  • 13:00h-17:00h

At the beginning of the 20th century, horses were critical to farming. They were an essential part of the daily work in the fields and were indispensable for both field work and transport.

In addition to ploughing and pulling carts, horses were also used for other farming activities such as:

  • Tilling the soil: Horses pulled harrows, cultivators, and other tools needed to till the soil for planting crops.
  • Harvesting: They pulled machines for harvesting crops such as grain mowers and balers.
  • Transport: Horses were used for transporting products to the market as well as for getting supplies.
  • Various tasks on the farm: From driving the milk cart to helping herd livestock.

So horses weren’t just a source of power; They were also partners and employees on the farm, whose well-being and care were of paramount importance.

The transition to mechanization in agriculture over the course of the 20th century eventually reduced the dependence on horses in agriculture, but at the beginning of that century they were still indispensable.

It is therefore more than right that this noble animal is put in the spotlight every year in the Boerenbondsmuseum during a special horse day.

There are various breeds of small and large horses. The blacksmith is present and shows demonstrations of farriers. Covered wagons, pony carts and flying carpet rides can be made.

It’s going to be a beautiful day with a very versatile animal in the leading role.


Questions or more information? Please contact us by telephone or e-mail. Or fill in the contact form.

Available every day from 13:00 to 17:00 hours

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