graan dorsen boerenbondsmuseum

threshing grain

Come to the threshing day at the Boerenbondsmuseum on 6 October and discover how grain was threshed before the advent of threshing machines. A lively demonstration of the hard work and conviviality of the past!

  • 6 october
  • 13:00u tot 17:00u
  • Regular entrance fees

In August, the corn was removed from the field and laid out to dry on the mite. And on Sunday, October 6, this corn is threshed in the field and on the threshing mountain.

The farmers had to work hard to earn an honest living. But to bake that sandwich, grain is needed, which used to be beaten out of the ears with a flail after the harvest. This process is called threshing. Cozy, men among themselves, in a nice rhythm handling the flail alternately. During the threshing day in the Boerenbondsmuseum, real ‘flails’ regularly demonstrate it for the visitors.

Threshing is the process of removing the grain from the ripe ear. It was only in the course of the 20th century (from 1900) that threshing machines made their appearance. In particular, they replaced the manual threshing of grain. During the work, there was a lot of eating and drinking. It had to be because threshing was hard work. While the farmer’s wife was busy preparing the food and drink for the workers in the field, the last harvest was wheeled into the barn. Only then did the farmer treat us to a meal with beer or something stronger.


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